I can’t believe that today is the day I finally got to see my beautiful Ella in her school nativity play. As their class is rather large half the parents went yesterday afternoon and the other half went this morning to see it.

Oh my word from the moment my little girl set foot into the school hall my heart absolutely swelled with pride. For there before me stood the purest and most beautiful snowflake I had ever seen! *I’m totally biased I know*.


❄My beautiful Snowflake ❄

Even Holly was mesmerised as she watched her big sister singing and swirling around on stage. I love the fact that the they incorporated songs like *Away In A Manger* and a few others into the story of Christ’s birth, it was brilliant and also meant all of the children were included in the play.


❄Hugs all around for our beautiful Snowflake for doing so brilliantly❄#veryproud